Your Zone of Genius
Your Career Matters. At MI, we combine state of the art digital education with hands-on learning for your success. More than a place to...
The Power of Experiential Retail
Thriving in beauty environments that expect experiential retail to drive selling has gone from an art to a requirement for success. The...
MI's Body of Work | Meet the Team
In the vast, changing landscape of prestige retail, what makes MI the premier field support team in the beauty industry? Let’s take a...
Why Choose MI?
Why Choose MI? Knowing how to support and importantly – grow - brick & mortar businesses is both an art and an expertise. With...
TESS, MI's Key Point of Difference
TESS This year MI celebrates 20 years of excellence. To honor this exciting milestone, we asked Dina Cianchetti & Terry Lawrence, Founder...
Dina Cianchetti, Speaker at Entrepreneur Academy at Cosmoprof North America 2017
Dina Cianchetti, Founder and President of Missing Ingredient, Inc., spoke Sunday to a room full of entrepreneurs, hungry for knowledge...